Monday, March 8, 2010

I have finally taken better pictures!

Finally, I have taken somewhat better pictures. I also downloaded the program called GIMP which is a free software. It is an excellent program that performs similar functions as photoshop. For some reason, GIMP is identified as a Remote Access Trojan by my firewall. I keep getting warning messages about this program being a RAT.I hope this is truly not the case. I downloaded the software from the original site. But these days one can never tell.

All that aside, my pictures have definitely improved significantly. Hopefully this is an indication of better things to come. Time will tell. I have to persevere.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yes..something has to give! BTW..I use GIMP and Picasa (free also) and primarily use Picasa and it's easy & it's free :) Looking forward to following more of your posts!
